Leading With Inspiration

The UMC Health System in Lubbock, Texas, wanted to find a way to uplift the spirits of their workers. They offered a 30-day challenge through their Inspire Me portal platform. Over the course of 30 days, employees were encouraged to think of one thing or one person that inspired them throughout their day. It could be anything— how they responded in a tough situation, how they made you and everyone around them feel important, or how patient they were — that makes you reflect and want to improve. The wellness committee brought this portal challenge to life by creating Inspiration Boards throughout the breakrooms for staff to post notes for everyone to see. The company had 246 employees participate in the Inspire Me Challenge, and one employee shared, “I found so much inspiration in people; I just had to look for it. I am happy to participate in this challenge. My favorite one to date of all the health challenges.”

Hundreds of Challenges!
Our portal has over 400 Challenges to choose from AND the option to customize. Learn more about our portal capabilities!