mental wellbeing strategy

Encouraging employers to think bigger and delve deeper.

destigmatize the topic, encourage intervention, and create a culture of inclusion and acceptance.

Employers play a key role in supporting employees' mental health and wellbeing and are challenged to meet this ever-changing demand. Supporting employee mental health and wellbeing is a complex interwoven web of identification, support, communication, training, fairness, and individual responsibility.

our mental wellbeing strategy

  • Create a supportive, inclusive, stigma-free culture around mental health and wellbeing
  • Provide ongoing training, education, recognition, and action to support mental health and wellbeing
  • Build infrastructure to support program sustainability through leadership engagement, policies, tools, and resources

Why Now?

According to NAMI, 8 out of 10 workers with a mental health condition say shame and stigma prevent them from seeking mental health care.

goals of our strategy


HealthSource Solutions has developed a multi-phased strategy to help your organization build a culture that enables employees to feel safe, valued, and supported. It goes beyond just offering tools and resources, and addresses mental wellbeing from an organizational perspective which encompasses individual elements, company influencers, and community factors.  

our support

We know that lack of time is the number one barrier to getting solutions rolled out and implemented. So, we don’t leave you hanging with just a plan, we help you do it!

  • Organizational Assessment viewed through a mental wellbeing lens
  • Annual goals and metrics to provide direction and accountability
  • Communication materials to support the delivery of messaging to all employees
  • Programs that will support employees in cultivating a sense of resiliency
  • Guidance and accountability to keep your strategy moving forward
  • Connection to mental health training for employees and leadership
  • Mental health toolkit to support the development of organizational policies, expectations, and standards

getting started

We provide your organization with a comprehensive strategy that is designed to be implemented over time. We understand each organization is at a different place with mental health and wellbeing, so we help you identify the gaps, prioritize your initiatives, and then build a plan to achieve them.
phase 1

phase 1

Drive Awareness

  • Build infrastructure
  • Identify gaps
  • Engage leadership
phase 2

phase 2

Take Action

  • Train leaders
  • Educate employees
  • Drive departmental collaboration
phase 3

phase 3

Create Change

  • Practice work-life balance
  • Increase manager accountability
  • Implement policies and resource
phase 4

phase 4

Measure Impact

  • Assess progress
  • Assess environment
  • Imbed in performance management



a mental wellbeing strategy

Mary Kruse, President & CEO, HealthSource Solutions, shares our new approach to addressing mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.

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