wellness incentives work!
Work with the Dakota County Public Health Department and the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) to address the fundamentals of worksite wellness to support employees’ mental and physical health. Since 2011, 85 employers at about 120 worksite locations have strengthened their wellness programs through Dakota County’s SHIP Worksite Wellness.
We are now accepting applications for up to 16 worksites to join a worksite wellness initiative. Sites must be in Dakota County and have 25–500 employees.
Complete the online application, or search “Worksite Wellness” on the Dakota County website. Applications will be accepted until all spots are filled and is determined by first come, first served basis.
Participating Worksites Receive:
- Assessment tools, support in establishing a wellness committee, customized goals, metrics and personalized technical assistance from a wellness consultant
- Networking opportunities and guest presentations
- Information and support related to Health Equity
- A $2,000 stipend for participating and meeting deliverables
Topics Addressed:
Lactation Support: Focus on Lactation support in the workplace by implementing new policies, systems, and environments to improve the wellbeing of lactating individuals at your organization. Within these efforts other wellbeing topics to address include mental wellbeing, healthy eating, physical activity, and tobacco cessation.
What past participants have said:
for more questions, ask Anna!